Programming / Debugging


Once the  machine code containing the user program is prepared on a personal computer, the user 
must load the code into the memory of the processor. Several methods for loading are available. 
Most universal programmers (devices that fit between a personal computer containing the machine 
code and the target microcontroller, and allow the transfer of the code into the microcontroller)
support JTAG method. The company ST introduced another method called SWD (serial wire debug), 
which uses fewer lines than required for JTAG method. Additionally, SWD method is supported by 
demo board STM32F4DISCOVERY (roughly 15 €), and this board can be used to load the machine code 
into any board with microcontroller ST32F4xx. The company ST offers a programmer called 
ST‐LINK/2 which also supports both JATG and SWD methods and is reasonably priced (about 25 €)


Programming from Linux - via DFU

















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