

Contents :
1. Introduction to Eclipse
2. Cross Compiling Beagle Board XM
3. Yocto Plug-in

1. Introduction to Eclipse

Eclipse is an integrated development environment  (IDE). It contains a base workspace and an extensible plug-in system for customizing the environment. Written mostly in Java, Eclipse can be used to develop applications. By means of various plug-ins, Eclipse may also be used to develop applications in other programming languages : Ada, C , C++ , JavaScript , PHP, Python… Development environments include the Eclipse Java development tools (JDT) for Java and Scala, Eclipse CDT for C/C++ and Eclipse PDT for PHP, among others.

Eclipse uses plug-ins to provide all the functionality within and on top of the runtime system.

Since 2006, the Foundation has coordinated an annual Simultaneous Release.
So far, each Simultaneous Release has occurred on the fourth Wednesday of June :

27 June 2012 : Version name -> JUNO
26 June 2013 : Version name -> KEPLER
25 June 2014 : Version name -> LUNA



The C/C++ Development Toolkit (CDT) is a collection of Eclipse-based features that provides the capability to create, edit, navigate, build, and debug projects that use C and/or C++ as a programming language.

The CDT does not include the necessary compilers and debuggers to convert C/C++ code into executable programs and to debug those programs, but it does provide the frameworks that allow such tools to be integrated in a consistent fashion. This allows you to mix and match such tools depending on your project requirements.


All Linux distributions include the GNU toolchain. They may not, however, be installed by default. For instructions about installing the GNU toolchain for Linux, see the instructions for your particular distribution.

book : embedded linux development using eclipse


Upgrade Eclipse

Eclipse can barely update from 3.7.1 to 3.7.2, never mind from 3.7 to 4.2.

Create a new Eclipse 4.2 workspace, and copy your project code from your Eclipse 3.7 workspace.
If you discover a problem later, you can fall back to Eclipse 3.7 and your Eclipse 3.7 workspaces.

Never ever think of changing your working environment.

select File -> Import -> Installation -> From existing Installation and point the wizard to your existing 3.7 directory.
Check “Install latest versions”, hit finish.
That will install the latest versions of the plugins found in your 3.7 installation into your 4.2 installation.
Sadly most people don’t know this feature and install each plugin manually when upgrading.

With the same wizard you can also export the list of installed features into a file that you can share with colleagues,
so you have all installed the same plugins.


copy a folder project from old workspace to new workspace, then do

File -> import -> General -> Existing Projects into Workspace ,  and select the copied folder on the new workspace



Your also can import Project settings :


Create new Project

When creating a new C++ Project, it will be asked to choose toolchain : Cross GCC or Linux GCC, on Windows will have MinGW GCC, Microsoft Visual C++,…

Choose Cross GCC for your BeagleBoard project. Later your will have to configure your Cross toolchain ( see below chapter ).
Linux GCC, MinGW GCC, … should be your “native” compiler (i.e. for the same target of your host).


Installation details

Help -> About Eclipse -> installation details

You will get all informations about you installation, Plug-ins,….



Build Settings


or you can also


Remove a Prject for “Project Explorer”

it will not delete the Project.





2. Cross Compiling BeagleBoard-XM

You will have to set up the BeagleBoard XM


Configuring toolchain in host for Cross Compiling

Properties ->  C/C++ Build -> Settings


fill “Command” Line text with following settings :

GCC C++ Compiler :

GCC C Compiler :

GCC C++ Linker :

GCC Assembler :

The Angstrom toolchain is created by taking base GCC and applying additional patches
(from various sources including the Linaro project).


C/C++ Remote Application

if your already had set up the IP Address on your BeagleBoardXM

RUN ->Run Configurations -> C/C++ Remote Application

remote application


-> Run -> Debug Configurations

create new connection in C/C++ Remote Application



3. Yocto Plug-in

Download from

your will download a .zip archive. do not unzip it.

on Eclipse , go to Help -> Install New Softare… -> Add -> Archive , and select downloaded zip file


The Yocto Project Eclipse plug-in – ELCE 2011:











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